
    1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 --
    3 --  Copyright (C) 1993, Peter J. Ashenden
    4 --  Mail:	Dept. Computer Science
    5 --		University of Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia
    6 --  e-mail:	petera@cs.adelaide.edu.au
    7 --
    8 --  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    9 --  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   10 --  the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
   11 --  any later version.
   12 --
   13 --  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   14 --  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   16 --  GNU General Public License for more details.
   17 --
   18 --  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   19 --  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
   20 --  Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
   21 --
   22 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   23 --
   24 --  $RCSfile: dlx_test-bench_cache.vhdl,v $  $Revision: 1.1 $  $Date: 2000/05/08 14:36:48 $
   25 --
   26 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   27 --
   28 --  Architecture for test bench for DLX and cache, including clock generator,
   29 --  memory and bus monitors for both CPU/cache and cache/memory buses.
   30 --
   33 use std.textio.all,
   34     work.dlx_types.all,
   35     work.mem_types.all;
   38 architecture bench_cache of dlx_test is
   40   component clock_gen
   41     port (phi1, phi2 : out bit;
   42           reset : out bit);
   43   end component;
   45   component memory
   46     port (phi1, phi2 : in bit;
   47           a : in dlx_address;
   48           d : inout dlx_word_bus bus;
   49           width : in mem_width;
   50           write_enable : in bit;
   51           burst : in bit := '0';
   52           mem_enable : in bit;
   53           ready : out bit);
   54   end component;
   56   component dlx
   57     port (phi1, phi2 : in bit;            -- 2-phase non-overlapping clocks
   58           reset : in bit;                 -- synchronous reset input
   59           a : out dlx_address;            -- address bus output
   60           d : inout dlx_word_bus bus;     -- bidirectional data bus
   61           halt : out bit;                 -- halt indicator
   62           width : out mem_width;          -- byte/haldword/word indicator
   63           write_enable : out bit;         -- selects read or write cycle
   64           mem_enable : out bit;           -- starts memory cycle
   65           ifetch : out bit;               -- indicates instruction fetch
   66           ready : in bit);                -- status from memory system
   67   end component;
   69   component cache
   70     port (phi1, phi2 : in bit;            -- 2-phase non-overlapping clocks
   71           reset : in bit;                 -- synchronous reset input
   72           --  connections to CPU
   73           cpu_enable : in bit;            -- starts memory cycle
   74           cpu_width : in mem_width;       -- byte/halfword/word indicator
   75           cpu_write : in bit;             -- selects read or write cycle
   76           cpu_ready : out bit;            -- status from memory system
   77           cpu_a : in dlx_address;                 -- address bus output
   78           cpu_d : inout dlx_word_bus bus;         -- bidirectional data bus
   79           --  connections to memory
   80           mem_enable : out bit;           -- starts memory cycle
   81           mem_width : out mem_width;      -- byte/halfword/word indicator
   82           mem_write : out bit;            -- selects read or write cycle
   83           mem_burst : out bit;              --  tell memory to burst txfer
   84           mem_ready : in bit;             -- status from memory system
   85           mem_a : out dlx_address;        -- address bus output
   86           mem_d : inout dlx_word_bus bus);  -- bidirectional data bus
   87   end component;
   89   component dlx_bus_monitor
   90     port (phi1, phi2 : in bit;            -- 2-phase non-overlapping clocks
   91           reset : in bit;                 -- synchronous reset
   92           a : in dlx_address;             -- address bus
   93           d : in dlx_word;                -- data bus
   94           halt : in bit;                  -- halt indicator
   95           width : in mem_width;           -- byte/haldword/word indicator
   96           write_enable : in bit;          -- selects read or write cycle
   97           burst : in bit := '0';          -- indicates more to come in burst
   98           mem_enable : in bit;            -- starts memory cycle
   99           ifetch : in bit;                -- indicates instruction fetch
  100           ready : in bit);                -- status from memory system
  101   end component;
  103   signal phi1, phi2, reset : bit;
  104   signal cpu_a, mem_a : dlx_address;
  105   signal cpu_d, mem_d : dlx_word_bus bus;
  106   signal halt : bit;
  107   signal cpu_width, mem_width : mem_width;
  108   signal cpu_enable, mem_enable,
  109          cpu_write, mem_write,
  110          cpu_ready, mem_ready,
  111          mem_burst, ifetch : bit;
  113 begin
  115   cg : clock_gen
  116     port map (phi1, phi2, reset);
  118   mem : memory
  119     port map (phi1, phi2, mem_a, mem_d,
  120               mem_width, mem_write, mem_burst, mem_enable, mem_ready);
  122   proc : dlx
  123     port map (phi1, phi2, reset, cpu_a, cpu_d,
  124               halt, cpu_width, cpu_write, cpu_enable, ifetch, cpu_ready);
  126   the_cache : cache
  127     port map (phi1, phi2, reset,
  128               cpu_enable, cpu_width, cpu_write, cpu_ready, cpu_a, cpu_d,
  129               mem_enable, mem_width, mem_write, mem_burst, mem_ready, mem_a, mem_d);
  131   cpu_cache_monitor : dlx_bus_monitor
  132     port map (phi1, phi2, reset, cpu_a, cpu_d,
  133               halt, cpu_width, cpu_write, open, cpu_enable, ifetch, cpu_ready);
  135   cache_mem_monitor : dlx_bus_monitor
  136     port map (phi1, phi2, reset, mem_a, mem_d,
  137               halt, mem_width, mem_write, mem_burst, mem_enable, ifetch, mem_ready);
  139 end bench_cache;

This page was generated using GHDL 0.14 (20040829) [Sokcho edition], a program written by Tristan Gingold