
    1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 --
    3 --  Copyright (C) 1993, Peter J. Ashenden
    4 --  Mail:       Dept. Computer Science
    5 --              University of Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia
    6 --  e-mail:     petera@cs.adelaide.edu.au
    7 --
    8 --  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    9 --  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   10 --  the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
   11 --  any later version.
   12 --
   13 --  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   14 --  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   16 --  GNU General Public License for more details.
   17 --
   18 --  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   19 --  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
   20 --  Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
   21 --
   22 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   23 --
   24 --  $RCSfile: dlx_instr-body.vhdl,v $  $Revision: 1.1 $  $Date: 2000/05/08 14:36:48 $
   25 --
   26 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   27 --
   28 --  Package body for DLX instructions
   29 --
   32 use std.textio.all,
   33     work.bv_arithmetic.bv_to_natural,
   34     work.bv_arithmetic.bv_to_integer;
   37 package body dlx_instr is
   39   constant opcode_names : opcode_name_array :=
   40     ( "SPECIAL ",   "FPARITH ",   "J       ",   "JAL     ",
   41       "BEQZ    ",   "BNEZ    ",   "BFPT    ",   "BFPF    ",
   42       "ADDI    ",   "ADDUI   ",   "SUBI    ",   "SUBUI   ",
   43       "ANDI    ",   "ORI     ",   "XORI    ",   "LHI     ",
   44       "RFE     ",   "TRAP    ",   "JR      ",   "JALR    ",
   45       "SLLI    ",   "UNDEF_15",   "SRLI    ",   "SRAI    ",
   46       "SEQI    ",   "SNEI    ",   "SLTI    ",   "SGTI    ",
   47       "SLEI    ",   "SGEI    ",   "UNDEF_1E",   "UNDEF_1F",
   48       "LB      ",   "LH      ",   "UNDEF_22",   "LW      ",
   49       "LBU     ",   "LHU     ",   "LF      ",   "LD      ",
   50       "SB      ",   "SH      ",   "UNDEF_2A",   "SW      ",
   51       "UNDEF_2C",   "UNDEF_2D",   "SF      ",   "SD      ",
   52       "SEQUI   ",   "SNEUI   ",   "SLTUI   ",   "SGTUI   ",
   53       "SLEUI   ",   "SGEUI   ",   "UNDEF_36",   "UNDEF_37",
   54       "UNDEF_38",   "UNDEF_39",   "UNDEF_3A",   "UNDEF_3B",
   55       "UNDEF_3C",   "UNDEF_3D",   "UNDEF_3E",   "UNDEF_3F" );
   57   constant sp_func_names : sp_func_name_array :=
   58     ( "NOP     ",   "UNDEF_01",   "UNDEF_02",   "UNDEF_03",
   59       "SLL     ",   "UNDEF_05",   "SRL     ",   "SRA     ",
   60       "UNDEF_08",   "UNDEF_09",   "UNDEF_0A",   "UNDEF_0B",
   61       "UNDEF_0C",   "UNDEF_0D",   "UNDEF_0E",   "UNDEF_0F",
   62       "SEQU    ",   "SNEU    ",   "SLTU    ",   "SGTU    ",
   63       "SLEU    ",   "SGEU    ",   "UNDEF_16",   "UNDEF_17",
   64       "UNDEF_18",   "UNDEF_19",   "UNDEF_1A",   "UNDEF_1B",
   65       "UNDEF_1C",   "UNDEF_1D",   "UNDEF_1E",   "UNDEF_1F",
   66       "ADD     ",   "ADDU    ",   "SUB     ",   "SUBU    ",
   67       "AND     ",   "OR      ",   "XOR     ",   "UNDEF_27",
   68       "SEQ     ",   "SNE     ",   "SLT     ",   "SGT     ",
   69       "SLE     ",   "SGE     ",   "UNDEF_2E",   "UNDEF_2F",
   70       "MOVI2S  ",   "MOVS2I  ",   "MOVF    ",   "MOVD    ",
   71       "MOVFP2I ",   "MOVI2FP ",   "UNDEF_36",   "UNDEF_37",
   72       "UNDEF_38",   "UNDEF_39",   "UNDEF_3A",   "UNDEF_3B",
   73       "UNDEF_3C",   "UNDEF_3D",   "UNDEF_3E",   "UNDEF_3F" );
   75   constant fp_func_names : fp_func_name_array :=
   76     ( "ADDF    ",   "SUBF    ",   "MULTF   ",   "DIVF    ",
   77       "ADDD    ",   "SUBD    ",   "MULTD   ",   "DIVD    ",
   78       "CVTF2D  ",   "CVTF2I  ",   "CVTD2F  ",   "CVTD2I  ",
   79       "CVTI2F  ",   "CVTI2D  ",   "MULT    ",   "DIV     ",
   80       "EQF     ",   "NEF     ",   "LTF     ",   "GTF     ",
   81       "LEF     ",   "GEF     ",   "MULTU   ",   "DIVU    ",
   82       "EQD     ",   "NED     ",   "LTD     ",   "GTD     ",
   83       "LED     ",   "GED     ",   "UNDEF_1E",   "UNDEF_1F" );
   86   procedure write_reg (L : inout line; reg : reg_index) is
   88   begin
   89     write(L, 'R');
   90     write(L, reg);
   91   end write_reg;
   94   procedure write_freg (L : inout line; freg : reg_index) is
   96   begin
   97     write(L, 'F');
   98     write(L, freg);
   99   end write_freg;
  102   procedure write_special_reg (L : inout line; reg : reg_index) is
  104   begin
  105     case reg is
  106       when 0 =>
  107         write(L, string'("IAR"));
  108       WHEN 1 =>
  109         write(L, string'("FSR"));
  110       when others =>
  111         write(L, string'("SR"));
  112         write(L, reg);
  113     end case;
  114   end write_special_reg;
  117   procedure write_instr (L : inout line; instr : in dlx_word) is
  119     alias instr_opcode : dlx_opcode is instr(0 to 5);
  120     alias instr_sp_func : dlx_sp_func is instr(26 to 31);
  121     alias instr_fp_func : dlx_fp_func is instr(27 to 31);
  122     alias instr_rs1 : dlx_reg_addr is instr(6 to 10);
  123     alias instr_rs2 : dlx_reg_addr is instr(11 to 15);
  124     alias instr_Itype_rd : dlx_reg_addr is instr(11 to 15);
  125     alias instr_Rtype_rd : dlx_reg_addr is instr(16 to 20);
  126     alias instr_immed16 : dlx_immed16 is instr(16 to 31);
  127     alias instr_immed26 : dlx_immed26 is instr(6 to 31);
  129     variable instr_opcode_num : dlx_opcode_num;
  130     variable instr_sp_func_num : dlx_sp_func_num;
  131     variable instr_fp_func_num : dlx_fp_func_num;
  132     variable rs1 : reg_index;
  133     variable rs2 : reg_index;
  134     variable Itype_rd : reg_index;
  135     variable Rtype_rd : reg_index;
  137   begin
  138     instr_opcode_num := bv_to_natural(instr_opcode);
  139     instr_sp_func_num := bv_to_natural(instr_sp_func);
  140     instr_fp_func_num := bv_to_natural(instr_fp_func);
  141     rs1 := bv_to_natural(instr_rs1);
  142     rs2 := bv_to_natural(instr_rs2);
  143     Itype_rd := bv_to_natural(instr_Itype_rd);
  144     Rtype_rd := bv_to_natural(instr_Rtype_rd);
  145     --
  146     if (instr_opcode /= op_special) and (instr_opcode /= op_fparith) then
  147       write(L, opcode_names(instr_opcode_num));
  148       write(L, ' ');
  149     end if;
  150     case instr_opcode is
  151       when op_special =>
  152         write(L, sp_func_names(instr_sp_func_num));
  153         write(L, ' ');
  154         case instr_sp_func is
  155           when sp_func_nop =>
  156             null;
  157           when sp_func_sll | sp_func_srl | sp_func_sra |
  158               sp_func_sequ | sp_func_sneu | sp_func_sltu |
  159               sp_func_sgtu | sp_func_sleu | sp_func_sgeu |
  160               sp_func_add | sp_func_addu | sp_func_sub | sp_func_subu |
  161               sp_func_and | sp_func_or | sp_func_xor |
  162               sp_func_seq | sp_func_sne | sp_func_slt |
  163               sp_func_sgt | sp_func_sle | sp_func_sge =>
  164             write_reg(L, Rtype_rd); write(L, string'(", "));
  165             write_reg(L, rs1); write(L, string'(", "));
  166             write_reg(L, rs2);
  167           when sp_func_movi2s =>
  168             write_special_reg(L, Rtype_rd); write(L, string'(", "));
  169             write_reg(L, rs1);
  170           when sp_func_movs2i =>
  171             write_reg(L, Rtype_rd); write(L, string'(", "));
  172             write_special_reg(L, rs1);
  173           when sp_func_movf | sp_func_movd =>
  174             write_freg(L, Rtype_rd); write(L, string'(", "));
  175             write_freg(L, rs1);
  176           when sp_func_movfp2i =>
  177             write_reg(L, Rtype_rd); write(L, string'(", "));
  178             write_freg(L, rs1);
  179           when sp_func_movi2fp =>
  180             write_freg(L, Rtype_rd); write(L, string'(", "));
  181             write_reg(L, rs1);
  182           when others =>
  183             null;
  184         end case;
  185       when op_fparith =>
  186         write(L, fp_func_names(instr_fp_func_num));
  187         write(L, ' ');
  188         case instr_fp_func is
  189           when fp_func_addf | fp_func_subf | fp_func_multf | fp_func_divf |
  190               fp_func_addd | fp_func_subd | fp_func_multd | fp_func_divd |
  191               fp_func_mult | fp_func_div | fp_func_multu | fp_func_divu =>
  192             write_freg(L, Rtype_rd); write(L, string'(", "));
  193             write_freg(L, rs1); write(L, string'(", "));
  194             write_freg(L, rs2);
  195           when fp_func_cvtf2d | fp_func_cvtd2f =>
  196             write_freg(L, Rtype_rd); write(L, string'(", "));
  197             write_freg(L, rs1);
  198           when fp_func_cvtf2i | fp_func_cvtd2i =>
  199             write_reg(L, Rtype_rd); write(L, string'(", "));
  200             write_freg(L, rs1);
  201           when fp_func_cvti2f | fp_func_cvti2d =>
  202             write_freg(L, Rtype_rd); write(L, string'(", "));
  203             write_reg(L, rs1);
  204           when fp_func_eqf | fp_func_nef | fp_func_ltf |
  205               fp_func_gtf | fp_func_lef | fp_func_gef |
  206               fp_func_eqd | fp_func_ned | fp_func_ltd |
  207               fp_func_gtd | fp_func_led | fp_func_ged =>
  208             write_freg(L, rs1); write(L, string'(", "));
  209             write_freg(L, rs2);
  210           when others =>
  211             null;
  212         end case;
  213       when op_j  | op_jal =>
  214         write(L, bv_to_integer(instr_immed26));
  215       when op_beqz | op_bnez =>
  216         write_reg(L, rs1); write(L, string'(", "));
  217         write(L, bv_to_integer(instr_immed16));
  218       when op_bfpt | op_bfpf =>
  219         write(L, bv_to_integer(instr_immed16));
  220       when op_slli | op_srli | op_srai =>
  221         write_reg(L, Itype_rd); write(L, string'(", "));
  222         write_reg(L, rs1); write(L, string'(", "));
  223         write(L, bv_to_natural(instr_immed16(11 to 15)));
  224       when op_addi | op_subi |
  225           op_seqi | op_snei | op_slti | op_sgti | op_slei | op_sgei =>
  226         write_reg(L, Itype_rd); write(L, string'(", "));
  227         write_reg(L, rs1); write(L, string'(", "));
  228         write(L, bv_to_integer(instr_immed16));
  229       when op_addui | op_subui | op_andi | op_ori | op_xori |
  230           op_sequi | op_sneui | op_sltui | op_sgtui | op_sleui | op_sgeui =>
  231         write_reg(L, Itype_rd); write(L, string'(", "));
  232         write_reg(L, rs1); write(L, string'(", "));
  233         write(L, bv_to_natural(instr_immed16));
  234       when op_lhi =>
  235         write_reg(L, Itype_rd); write(L, string'(", "));
  236         write(L, bv_to_natural(instr_immed16));
  237       when op_rfe =>
  238         null;
  239       when op_trap =>
  240         write(L, bv_to_natural(instr_immed26));
  241       when op_jr | op_jalr =>
  242         write_reg(L, rs1);
  243       when op_lb | op_lh | op_lw |
  244           op_lbu | op_lhu | op_lf | op_ld =>
  245         write_reg(L, Itype_rd); write(L, string'(", "));
  246         write(L, bv_to_integer(instr_immed16)); write(L, '(');
  247         write_reg(L, rs1); write(L, ')');
  248       when op_sb | op_sh | op_sw | op_sf | op_sd =>
  249         write(L, bv_to_integer(instr_immed16));
  250         write(L, '('); write_reg(L, rs1); write(L, string'("), "));
  251         write_reg(L, Itype_rd);
  252       when others =>
  253         null;
  254     end case;
  255   end write_instr;
  258 end dlx_instr;

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